DIY · Reviews


Hello Everyone out there!

Some days back Naturals send me two of their products and I am feeling good right now because I am going to make review on the products right after some days and not after weeks like I usually do!

If you want to know more about this product just keep on scrolling!



This is what TEAM NATURALS says about the brand,

Tired of using oils that fail to generate their desired effects? Not because, they are not original oils but because they are flooded with preservatives and chemicals that do absolutely nothing to enhance the effects. Naturals was conceived to provide a sustainable solution to this problem.

What we want our clients to realize is that oils work wonders for skin and hair, but they MUST be in their purest form to do so. Our mission is to provide  an alternative to chemically preserved skin care and hair care products.


Packaging was adorable, the products came in small-sized bottles with brand label, The bottles came in a green-colored boxes!



Products which were sent to me were PURE ALMOND OIL & PURE COCONUT OIL.


Almond is so amazingly scented basically it is its natural smell. My mother has used Almond oils before but they came with certain preservatives and chemicals, but she is much happy with this one! One can easily tell about its purity from its scent and its consistency!

Because Almond oil comes with many benefits it is rich in Vitamin E, monounsaturated fatty acids, proteins, potassium and zinc, besides a number of other minerals and vitamins, which explains why it is so good for our heart, skin and hair

You can use Almond oils for many beauty purposes I am going to tell some of the them below!

√To Remove Dark Circles:

If you have dark circles and bags under your eyes, almond oil can come to your aid. Apply the oil every night before going to bed.


√To Treat Skin Rashes: 

Just dip three fingers in the oil and gently dab the oil on the affected area. Leave it on until all the oil is gradually absorbed into the skin.


√To Control Hair Loss:

Warm one tablespoon of oil and apply it to the scalp every night after your shower or bath. Rub it in gently until most of the oil is absorbed into the scalp.


√For Long Shiny Hair:

Restore the protective oil layer by applying almond oil to your hair right after washing it with a gentle organic shampoo.


√For Healthy Nails:

The oil also contains appreciable amounts of B-complex vitamins and iron that also help improve nail health.Apply a drop of warm oil on the nail and rub it into the cuticle. If you can’t find the time to do it every day, make it a weekly habit in order to grow thicker, smoother nails.



Coconut oil came in a small-sized bottle, its smell is like I am cracking a fresh coconut!it has an amazing fragrance, also it freezes at room temperature! Coconut oils are rich in saturated fatty acids. It acts as a very good moisturizer for all types of skin! I am currently using it for my hair along with the almond oil, lets see if they are gonna work for my frizzy-hair! I hope it will.

You can not only use it for beauty purposes but it could be a life savior for many purposes. Some of them are below,

√Weight loss:

Coconut oil is very useful for weight loss.

√Immune system:

It strengthens the immune system because it contains anti-fungal, antibacterial and antiviral properties.

√Improvement in digestion:

It helps to improve the digestive system and thus prevents various stomach and digestion-related problems.

√Stress relieving:

Coconut oil is very soothing and hence it helps in removing stress.

√Dental care:

Since coconut oil facilitates absorption of calcium by the body, it helps in developing strong teeth.


That’s all for today.If you want to buy products from NATURALS you can contact them on their FACEBOOK PAGE : HERE or DM them on INSTAGRAM HERE

Till next time,

Much love!

*This is a sponsored post and all views on the product(s) and pictures are by me !


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